Works by Samantha Garman, writing also as Emma Slate

Social Media

Connect with Samantha Garman and Emma Slate on social media.

Social Media

  1. What is Mighty Networks? It’s a social media platform that is designed to build a true community. It’s a place for fans to interact in one place.

  2. Why did you move the reader group off of Facebook? With Facebook’s ever-changing algorithms, it’s getting harder and harder to reach readers who want to be reached! With Mighty Networks, readers won’t miss important posts, book news, or giveaways. Communication is now easier. What’s great about Mighty Networks is that you can customize your settings to see only what you want to see.

  3. Oh great, I have to learn another platform just to stay in touch with you! I understand the struggle! Facebook is easy. Facebook is right there. However, Mighty Networks is incredibly user friend and also has a mobile app.

  4. What are the benefits of joining the group on Mighty Networks? There’s only one newsfeed. When you’re in the Slate’s Sinners Mighty Networks group, you only see Emma Slate/Samantha Garman updates, either from me or other readers. There are no ads. There are no distractions. No getting lost in endless scrolling.